The origin of the world and the reality of its current state Genesis Intro Genesis 1:1 The Beginning Genesis 1:2-5 Let there be light! Genesis 1:6-25 Kinds, Boundaries and Blessing Genesis 1:26-31 The Image of God Genesis 2:1-3 The Seventh Day Genesis 2:4-7 The Breath of God Genesis 2:8-17 The Garden of Eden Genesis 2:18-25 Husband and Wife Genesis 2:25-3:5 The Serpent Genesis 3:6-13 The Fall Genesis 3:14-15 The Promise Genesis 3:16-24 Curses and Provisions Genesis 4:1-7 Cain and Abel - The Nature of Sin Genesis 4:8-26 Cain and Abel Pt 2 - The Way of Cain Genesis 5 The Offspring of the Woman Genesis 6:1-8 Expectation of Judgment or New Creation Genesis 6:9-22 Standing Against the Darkness Genesis 7 Forty Genesis 8:1-19 God Remembers Noah Genesis 8:20-9:7 Worship and Grace Genesis 9:8-17 The Rainbow Genesis 9:18-29 The Curse Remains Genesis 10:1-11:9 The Growth of the Nations Genesis 11:10-12:3 God's Blessing to the Nations Genesis 12:4-20 The Test of Obedience Genesis 13 The Tale of Two Followers Pt 1 Genesis 14 The Tale of Two Followers Part 2 Genesis 15:1-6 Counted as Righteousness Genesis 15:7-21 Smoke and Fire Genesis 16 God Doesn't Need Help Genesis 17 The Name Change Genesis 18:1-19 Prepared for the Promise Genesis 18:16-33 The All Consuming Fire Genesis 19:1-17 FLEE!! Genesis 19:18-29 Weak Christianity Genesis 19:29-38 The Gospel Shines into the Darkness Genesis 20 God's Patience in Preservation Genesis 21 The Everlasting God is with us! Genesis 22:1-14 The Lord Provides Genesis 22:15-23:20 Just One Piece of the Puzzle Genesis 24 The Pursuit of a Wife Genesis 25:1-23 - NOT AVAILABLE The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Genesis 25:24-34 - NOT AVAILABLE Manipulated or Despised Genesis 26:1-33 Isaac The Son of Abraham Genesis 26:34-27:29 The Immovable God Genesis 27:30-28:9 Bitterness Destroys Genesis 28:10-22 The Stairway to Heaven Genesis 29:1-30 Jacob finds a wife.... or two Genesis 29:31-30:24 The Blessing of Unsatisfied Idolatry Genesis 30:25-31:3 Blemish to Blessing Genesis 31:4-55 Conflict Management Genesis 32:1-12 Conflict Management Pt 2 Genesis 32:13-24a The Sound of Silence Genesis 32:24-28 Wrestling for the Blessing Genesis 32:29-32 The Magnificent Defeat Genesis 33:1-17 Face to Face with Esau Genesis 33:18-35:4 A Warning and God's Grace to a Family in Sin Genesis 35 The God of the House of God Genesis 36:1-37:2a Two paths you can go by Genesis 37:2-11 Favoritism, Hatred and Dreams Genesis 37:12-36 Concealed Providence Genesis 38 The Scene Changes Genesis 39 Micro or Macro Pt 1 Genesis 40 Micro or Macro Pt 2 Genesis 41:1-36 A Life Yielded to God Genesis 41:37-57 From the Pit to the Pinnacle Genesis 41:50-52 More Than Conquerors Genesis 42:1-28 The Blessing of a Guilty Conscience Genesis 42:29-43:14 The Sorrow of an Old Man Genesis 43:15-44:2 Repentance Tested Genesis 44:3-34 The Transformation of Repentance Genesis 45:1-8 God's Salvation Revealed Genesis 45:9-46:4 The Anticipated Reunion Genesis 46 Do Not Be Afraid Genesis 47 Blessing to the Nations Genesis 48:1-20 What is the True Nature of Blessing? Genesis 48:21-49:7 The Blessing of Reuben, Simeon, and Levi Genesis 49:8-12 Blessing to Judah Genesis 49:13-21, 27 Blessings to the other sons of Israel Genesis 49:22-26 Blessing to Joseph Genesis 49:28-50:14 The Death of Jacob - God is at Work - He is Always at Work Genesis 50:14-18 Understanding Grace Genesis 50:19-21 The Providence of God Genesis 50:22-26 Moving Forward